With today’s electronics one thing you must understand, repairing it is not always the answer. You can spend more money repairing something than you can just purchasing something new. Actually electronics are made to be throw away, anyway. Manufacturers would actually want you to throw it away and buy a new one. This is advantageous to them but not you. So when do you throw it away and buy something new?
All electronics can be fixed but the cost to do so is not necessarily in your best interest. Being in this industry for as long as I have been, there have been times when I felt it was not worth repairing but thhow to fix it or thow it awaye customer wanted it to be repaired. I do know that many times it is just the cost of the labor that puts it beyond the value of the item needed to be repaired. Many small electronics, like ipods and such, are really not worth trying to repair. When you get into projection TVs or flat panel TVs and computers you will find that some of the more complex repairs are still within the value of that item, simply because of the higher cost of these TVs or computers. My suggestion to anyone is to set in your mind what you want to spend for a repair before you get an estimate. Maybe look at the cost of a new item and determine if repairing the one you have is worth spending half of the cost of a new one. If the cost to repair is going to be more than half of a new one, it may be time to get the new item.
electronic partsThe thing with electronics, the cost of the parts themselves are relatively in expensive. I can put a three dollar part in, but the time to troubleshoot and replace that part will cost you in the hundreds. If you know what part to replace then you can repair something for three dollars and not have to pay the hundreds in labor. The thing is you have to know how to fix it and what part to replace. That is why you end up paying the hundreds, for the knowledge that the skilled technician brings to the table.
I believe that I can show you what to replace and you can do it. People are very capable of replacing parts. You purchase the part and replace it yourself and you have saved yourself the hundreds in labor. It is to your advantage to learn this, especially in this day and age we live in. New electronics are getting more and more expensive and yet we are getting less and less value for our dollar. Remember, manufacturers are more interested in you, throwing your stuff away and buying something new.
I can see a day when more people are repairing their own stuff and not purchasing something new every time something breaks. That goes for everything, from automobiles, plumbing, electrical in your home, and electronics. You can fix it yourself if you know how to fix it broken screen.
If you know how to take care of something, this is important as well. For instance, don’t be throwing anything at a projection TV or flat panel TV or even your computer monitor. The fronts of these screens will break very easily. You will end up breaking these screens and the cost will run you for a projection TV in the hundreds and a flat panel will cost in the thousands. Many times if you will take extra care of your item it will last you for quite awhile.
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